Friday 9 November 2012

Troubleshooting Winsock Error

When you remove a malicious software or even spyware or adware, there is a chance your Winshock become corrupted. Winsock basically is a application that determines how two network programmes will communicate with each other. This may eventually lead to internet connection problem. Your device may show that its connected to the internet but may not be actually connected due to the Winsock error. In similar cases, you might try renewing your IP address, but if its about Winsock error, here's how you trouble shoot it.

1. First of all, you need to download following utility from the below link.
2. Run the utility and click on "Fix" button.

3. Restart your PC
4. Right click on the network icon on the bottom-right corner of the window. Choose Open network connections.
5. Again right click the LAN connections (or Wireless Connection) and click properties.
6. Re-enter the details if necessary.
7. Now check the browser if the internet is working.
8. Best of Luck :)